Is your organization looking for a way to save money? Most companies are. What if I told you, your organization could cut 5% – 15% or more in energy costs without making large capital investments?
Thriving in today’s market sector is a challenge, therefore, so many organizations are trying to costs, wherever possible, to stay competitive and be more profitable.
Now, energy costs are a budget item being reviewed and companies are trying to understand how to save in this area. For so long, energy bills have been viewed as rent, “Here’s our bill; lets pay it.” But we have found that this expense can be managed.
Unfortunately, most companies only realize a small percentage of the total energy that can be saved.
Why? There can be many reasons that an energy management program may not be successful.
• lack of commitment
• unsuccessful employee outreach
• not enough resources and funding
• too many competing priorities
And the list can go on and on. But you take a closer look at this list, most of these issues companies face lead directly to one common cause: the lack of a well-structured strategic energy plan.
In order for companies to achieve noteworthy energy and cost savings, energy needs to be managed just as other operational costs. To help organizations, Strategic Energy Group, SEG, facilitates a structured approach to energy management.
Strategic Energy Management (SEM), also known as Continuous Energy Improvement (CEI), provides participating organizations with a comprehensive approach to energy management practices. There are workshops and webinars delivered monthly to aid this implementation process. Some of the key learnings throughout the program are:
1. Attaining Organizational Commitment
2. Creating and Effective Team
3. Utilizing Team Walkabouts
4. Establishing Performance Tracking
5. Implementing Energy Awareness
6. Producing a written Strategic Energy Management Plan
(These 6 areas are valuable aspects of the programs and will be discussed in greater detail in future blogs.)
Basically, implementing strategic energy management is the foundation your company needs to achieve persistent energy and cost savings over the long term. Instead of just individual projects, energy efficiency will become an integral part of your day to day business . . . and that’s how you achieve savings of 5% -15%, or more.
So what are you waiting for? Start reviewing your energy information and reach out to SEG to understand how we can help your organization save.